Conducting Free Halal Certification Facilitation Movement in West Java, BPJPH Collaborated with the Regional Government and Garda Transfumi

26 June 2023 - 17.03

Conducting Free Halal Certification Facilitation Movement in West Java, BPJPH Collaborated with the Regional Government and Garda Transfumi

Jakarta (Kemenag) --- The Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJPH) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) held a Simultaneous Free Halal Certification Facilitation Movement throughout West Java. The activity, which was carried out by the Regency/Municipal Ministry of Religious Affairs Offices and the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) in 218 locations throughout West Java Province, involved at least 6,000 micro & small business actors (MSEs). This activity is a collaboration between BPJPH and the West Java Provincial Government, West Java Ministry of Religious Affairs Office, West Java Cooperative and UKM Service, West Java DMPTSP Service and West Java Garda Transfumi.

"We are collaborating to hold this activity to make it easier for business people to register for halal certification for free, considering that in October 2024 the mandatory halal certification has started." said the Head of BPJPH Muhammad Aqil Irham on zoom meeting, in Jakarta, Tuesday (27/06/2023).

"And of course this is one of the efforts to encourage the realization of our shared aspirations to make Indonesia the number one center for halal products in the world," he continued.

Aqil explained, this free registration of halal certification applies to UMK which has the criteria for a business actor's statement or is known as self-declare. Apart from not being charged, MSEs are also ensured to get convenience because they get assistance from Halal Product Process Assistants (PPH).

"For MSEs in West Java who have met the criteria for a business actor's statement or self-declare, lets register (fot halal certification), the process is easy and you will be accompanied by a PPH assistant," explained Aqil.

The Head of BPJPH Center for Halal Registration and Certification Siti Aminah added, this Free Halal Certification Facilitation Movement can be carried out at the nearest Regency/City Ministry of Religious Affairs Office and Office of Religious Affairs (KUA).

"So we invite MSEs to take advantage of this opportunity. Please attend at the nearest Regency/City Ministry of Religion and Office of Religious Affairs (KUA)." said Aminah.

"MSE owners don't need to worry if they can't take part in today's event. Because you can still contact the nearest District/City Ministry of Religious Affairs Office and Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) to continue taking part in the free halal certification," added Aminah. ][


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