BPJPH and Parliament Promote Free Halal Certification for Business Actors

01 April 2023 - 17.01

BPJPH and Parliament Promote Free Halal Certification for Business Actors

Bandung (BPJPH) --- The Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJPH) of The Ministry of Religious Affairs together with Commission VIII of The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) continue their synergy in intensifying the socialization of Halal Product Assurance (JPH) throughout Indonesia. Today, the collaboration between the two institutions was again carried out by conducting socialization and education of the free halal certification program (Sehati) for Micro and Small Enterprises (UMK) actors through the Halal Application Workshop for Business Actors in Bandung Regency, West Java.

Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of Parliament, Ace Hasan Sadzily, said the activity was important as an effort to encourage the implementation of halal certification obligations as mandated by Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Guarantees for Halal Products.

"Business actors have the right to receive information, education and outreach about halal product assurance. And this workshop is very important because it is part of an effort to provide understanding to business actors so they can carry out this halal certification program." said Ace in Soreang Bandung, Sunday (2/4/2023).

"By the implementation of Law Number 11 of 2023 concerning Job Creation, UMK actors are not subject to any fees (free) through (halal certification with a self-declaring mechanism)." continued Ace.


Therefore, he hopes that through these activities, business actors can gain the necessary understanding regarding government halal certification services. They are also expected to immediately take care of submitting halal certificates through this service which is currently implemented more quickly, efficiently and at an affordable cost, even for free.


Previously, the Chairman of BPJPH, Muhammad Aqil Irham said that the Sehati program was the government's effort to accelerate halal certification for MSEs. This effort was carried out in the framework of carrying out the mandate of the JPH Law, where on October 17, 2024 the mandatory halal certification for three types of products will be implemented. Namely, food products, beverages, slaughter products and slaughter services, raw materials, food additives and supporting materials for food and beverage products.

The obligation of halal certification applies to all levels of business actors, from micro, small, medium and large. Especially for UMK, Aqil invites them to take advantage of the free halal certification program conducted by the Ministry of Religion through BPJPH, as well as at other Ministries/Institutions, as well as the Regional Government.

"To support this acceleration, in 2023 BPJPH again open registration for the Free or Healthy Halal Certification program for 1 million quotas for MSEs which we will finance until the end of 2023." explained Aqil Irham.

For this reason, Aqil invited all participants to immediately take advantage of this free facility to get a halal certificate. This is because the obligation to be halal certified apart from providing comfort, security, safety and certainty of the availability of halal products for the community, can also be an added value for business actors in developing their business.

"I hope that ladies and gentlemen who are here also invite other business actors to immediately register a halal certificate with BPJPH through the assistants available in your area." continued Aqil explained.

Furthermore, Aqil also said that one of the challenges in halal certification is the lack of digital literacy for most MSEs. Moreover, the number is very large and spread throughout Indonesia. Thus, the efforts of various parties are needed to jointly carry out the socialization and education of this halal certification.

"If there are any difficulty, let's learn together, let's ask the Halal Product Process Assistant (P3H) so we can get conveniences." he continued.

Currently, continued Aqil, the halal certification process is even faster because specifically for self-declared ones that refer to the Ciptaker Law, the fatwa session is held through the Fatwa Committee. The Fatwa Committee, which was formed by the Minister of Religion, has 25 members from the clergy and academics.

"By the third day of this fasting month, the Fatwa Committee has been working, so as of today we have issued more than 25 thousand halal certificates. Alhamdulillah, this has also added to the enthusiasm of the PPH Assistants to work again." he added.

"The halal certificate can be issued more quickly because when the Fatwa Committee makes a halal decision, the halal certificate is immediately issued at that moment. This is because the system has been integrated with Sihalal. So you just have to download the halal certificate through the Sihalal application." continued Aqil explained.

"So don't hesitate anymore to apply for a halal certificate immediately. Ladies and gentlemen, the important thing is to have an NIB, NPWP, then the Halal Product Process Assistant will assist you, and Insya Allah, the process will be faster." he concluded.

To find out more information about the Sehati program, business actors can learn about it by opening the BPJPH social media @halal.indonesia. []


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